The Lord God Almighty, the Maker of all humanity and the Judge of all people had a problem with His people; they behaved as if He didn’t exist.
It could be rightly argued that this same problem is prevalent in the Church today.
There are at least three things we must do daily if we are to keep God first in our life.
First, is to seek Him through Bible reading and prayer. We just cannot know God apart from the Word of God.
God has given us the Scriptures to ensure we accurately understand Him and His commands. We forget God when we ignore God by failing to read the Bible regularly and praying to Him for application of what we have learned.
Second, is daily obedience to God’s commands. If we love God we will obey God.
Doing what pleases God throughout the day demonstrates an allegiance to Him and makes clear that He is first in our thoughts as we align our actions to His will. It is impossible to say we know God if we fail to do daily what He commands.
Third, we are to make every effort to move people toward God’s point-of-view. God has commanded every Christian to be His ambassador so that the whole world will know Him and love Him.
Through the words of our testimony and the deeds of our service we are to encourage people to love God and obey His commands.
God is certainly at the front of heart and mind among those who make a daily practice of encouraging people to love God.
The Lord loves those who are His: those who make Him first priority in their life.