The Christian life is a journey to a destination where the journey continues forever and ever. Like living with a family, it is daily, forever we hope, changing yet always the same. It is good but sometimes it is hard. It brings us our greatest joy but also can bring us our greatest sorrow.
The Christian life can have sorrow in it now but all will turn to joy in the end for one day all those who have ever loved God in Jesus the Savior will be restored to perfect health, harmony and happiness because they will live together forever with the Most High God where they will never die nor suffer nor sorrow again. To reach the end in order to begin again Christians must persevere in the process.
We cannot grow weary in doing good nor in the seeking of Him Who is the best. We must guard our hearts and not allow the cares of this world nor the sin of men to keep us from losing faith, hope or love. Like the Lord Jesus Who set His face like a flint toward Jerusalem, Christians are to set their face toward heaven, awaiting the day and the hour when they shall see Jesus face to face.
This determination is not passive but active in working out both our salvation and working toward the salvation of all men for God the Father Almighty desires all men to be saved and for none to perish. Christians gather together in order to spur one another on toward love and good deeds so that none of us fall away or become disillusioned in our waiting and so lose faith. The Christian life is a journey to be experienced with other sons and daughters of God who are likewise fellow laborers in the harvest that is ripe.
Let us all press on in our labor and press in to Him Who is faithful to complete the good work He began in us and has guaranteed to us through the presence of His Holy Spirit.