Right is wrong and wrong is right is what our culture seems to teach as it promotes its ways against the ways of God written in the Bible.
Even within the Christian community much diversity exists toward the teachings of Jesus and the rest of the Bible’s commands so that some proclaim homosexuality is blessed while others condemn it.
The culture the Apostle Paul lived in was little different than ours today so his words to the church in Philippi are insightful.
The true Church makes obedience to Jesus first priority for it is in our obedience to Christ that we best express our love for God. Obedience occurs when we take the word of God literally then do it.
God is complex but He is not complicated and neither does He wish for His children to be confused about His will for their lives.
Those who obey the simple truths of the Bible distinguish themselves from the rest of the world by their obvious counter-culture lifestyle. Second, the true Christian lives as Jesus did.
In this same passage Paul reminds the church that Jesus was a humble servant of God Who obeyed perfectly the will of God by placing the needs of men above His own. So too those who would demonstrate their allegiance to God must consider the needs of others more important than their own then seek to serve those needs.
The first need everyone has is reconciliation with God through Jesus His Son.
The Christian life is to be a never ending work of serving people until they too love Jesus and strive to obey all of His commands.