When God created humanity the first thing God did was place man in the garden to care for it.
The work of God has always been assigned to the hands of men.
When God came and lived among us as Jesus the Lord, He too reminded us and assigned us the work of building His kingdom in partnership with the Holy Spirit. This work is unique to our time for once God recreates the heavens and the earth there will be no more work of this kind to do for His Kingdom will be complete.
This work is not for a special class of Christ follower but for every follower of Christ.
This work cannot be subcontracted but must be fully engaged by every person for each person has been gifted uniquely and specifically for accomplishing their role, a role designed for them since the creation of the world.
No other work will satisfy for we were created by God for God to serve God yet many continue to try and bring satisfaction to the soul through the work of men and the material rewards that work gives them.
God will reward for all eternity the work that has eternal significance; that work is the work of building the Kingdom of God. This work is accomplished as we reconcile people to God and develop people in God until each of us is like God in every way.
The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few, plan to make 2014 your most fruitful year ever by engaging seriously and consistently the work of building God’s kingdom.