Life is hard, sometimes unfair and solving its difficulties requires more power and ability than any one of us possess.
In these cases we look-up and question if God really exists and if He does why doesn’t He do something about mass murder, world hunger and horrific natural tragedy?
We blame God for the bad things in life assuming we had little or nothing to do with their occurrence.
The bible declares humanity is completely responsible for all that is wrong in the world including natural disaster for when men rebelled against God he took the earth with him.
Man was given the responsibility to rule the earth as God rules the universe but as man is in chaos so too is the world.
All of man’s injustice to man is the result of man’s unwillingness to obey God and keep His commands.
When man does evil to man that is not God’s fault but proof that man is broken and desperately needs a Savior.
Certainly the innocent suffer but they too need a Savior Who may perform a miracle and keep them in this life but if not, can take them into the next life where He rules and injustice ceases.
We want God to fix our problems but we don’t want God to demand our allegiance.
We want God as our servant but not as our Master.
This is wishful thinking for God by definition cannot be Savior without being Lord.
So what is the answer to all the world’s problems?
Stop blaming God and take personal responsibility.
First we must return to God personally, obey His commands individually and always choose to do what is good and right toward others as far as it depends on me.
Second, do all we can to encourage as many others as possible to do the first thing: love God and love others.