What Does God Want from Us?

Luke 14:33 claims those of you who do not give up everything you have cannot be my disciples.image

The God Who made the universe and all it contains…The God Who sustains the universe and everything in it…The God Who is larger than the universe…this God compressed Himself into a human being so that He could communicate His love to us in a way we would understand through both His words and His deeds.

This is the story of God Christianity and the Bible tells. (more…)


What We Must Do to Change the World

Mark 4.19 explains the worries of this life, the deceitfulness of wealth and the desires for other thingsimage come in and choke the word, making it unfruitful.

The lack of Christian vitality in the United States can be traced to the ineffective work of Christians to obey God’s command to make disciples. The Christian’s lack of effort can be traced to the three things that God warns will make us unfruitful if we pursue those things rather than the things of God.

If we are to recapture the hearts and minds of people for the things of God we must recommit ourselves to the work of God which is the implementation of His will on earth as it is in heaven. The command to make disciples, the objective of the Church, is evidenced by obedience to all the Words of God in Jesus Christ. (more…)


Getting Paid for our Work

Colossians 3:24 reminds us that it is the Lord Christ Who is going to pay you, giving you your full portion of all He owns. He isimages the one you are really working for.

Work is inherent to our existence. If a man will not work neither should he eat, at least not for free from the church doles – we have the government to take care of that!

In all seriousness, it is work that determines a man’s wealth in a free society. And wealth determines a person’s comfort and opportunities.

Work in itself is good and not evil though many have been taught otherwise. God made man then set him to work in His pristine environment that guaranteed success. It was through the rebellion that work suffered a curse and therefore became inherently more difficult by yielding thistles and thorns in addition to good crops instead of just good fruit as God designed.

The real problem with work is the propensity to define ourselves by the results of our work and to use the fruit of our work for our own pleasures and wants. (more…)