Recognizable Behavior
Titus 2.1 commends demonstrating Christian behavior that goes with sound teaching. When Martin Luther mass marketed salvation by grace through faith it was good and necessary for Christians were overwhelmed…
Titus 2.1 commends demonstrating Christian behavior that goes with sound teaching. When Martin Luther mass marketed salvation by grace through faith it was good and necessary for Christians were overwhelmed…
Ecclesiastes 6.9 observes this continual longing we have is futile. From the man who could buy anything, he warns having everything is never enough. No matter how much we have…
John 3.16 records that God so loved the world that He gave His only Son to become its Savior. The world certainly needs a Savior. The bombing in Boston is…
Leviticus 20.26 observes I have set you apart from the other peoples to be Mine. God created humanity to love Him, to glorify Him and to enjoy Him forever. Almost…
Mark 8.12 observes He sighed deeply then said, why does this generation look for a sign? People wanted proof that Jesus was Who He said He was – that is…
Colossians 3.24 commands us to serve the Lord Christ. Among a list of things Christians are to do Paul summarizes them with his command to serve Jesus. This is a…
Colossians 2.3 teaches Christ, in Whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. Real wisdom and real knowledge comes from knowing God and particularly God visible to us…
Philippians 3.8 observes all things as liabilities compared to the far greater value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. What do we consider assets? I supposed context determines that answer.…
John 17.4 declares I glorified You on earth by completing the work You gave me to do. Men glorify themselves through their work. Sin takes away from our true nature…
John 16.33 promises in Me you may have peace. In this world you have trouble. Everyone wants peace; peace of mind, peace at heart and peace with their fellow man.…
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