Being Fruitful
John 15.2 promises God takes away every branch that does not bear fruit in Me. The Protestant proclamation of salvation by grace alone and not by works, while true, has…
John 15.2 promises God takes away every branch that does not bear fruit in Me. The Protestant proclamation of salvation by grace alone and not by works, while true, has…
Galatians 6.15 states the only thing that matters is a new creation. Paul’s letter to the church in Galatia addresses the concern of what a person must do in order…
Galatians 1.10 observes if I were still trying to please people, I would not be a slave of Christ. As Jesus taught, people cannot love money and love God, so…
Exodus 19.6 promises you will by My kingdom of priests. When God established His people Israel He gave them His vision for what He was hoping to accomplish through them…
1 Corinthians 14.12 teaches since you are eager for manifestation of the Spirit seek to abound in order to strengthen the Church. There are many in the Church who wish…
Luke 12.5 emphatically warns people to fear God. We no longer think of fearing God for God is love and so we have softened Him into a Santa-like figure Who…
Micah 6.8 commands people to walk humbly before the Lord. Inspired by the message I heard Sunday from our Pastor who spoke on this verse and made these same points…
1 Corinthians 9.19 observes since I am free from all I can make myself a slave to all. What keeps us from living life in such a way that pleasing…
Luke 5.10 promises from now on you will be catching people. The purpose of our lives, the mission of the Church, is to partner with God for reconciling the world…
Romans 16.26 makes the goal bringing about the obedience of faith. The hurdle today’s church must overcome is the notion that faith is a belief in God that demands little…
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