Luke 1.38 records I am the servant of the Lord; let this happen to me. Mary was able to receive God’s work for her life because she defined herself as…
Fewer and fewer people seem to want to work. More and more people appear to be ready to live off the government doles. Increasingly numbers of young people have little…
Romans 8.4 assumes God’s people do not walk according to the flesh but according to the Spirit. Those who walk according to the flesh cannot please God, or as the…
Mark 4.19 describes worldly cares, wealthy pleasures and the desire for things as impediments to Christian productivity. These things, Jesus said, that men pursue after hearing about God’s love and…
Mark 2.16 observes He was eating with sinners and tax collectors. When God lived among us as a man in Jesus the Christ He befriended those whom the religious leaders…
Matthew 28.19 commands us to go and make disciples. Jesus’ last words to His men are their mission for living: make disciples. He certainly could have made His last words…
Matthew 24.12 observes because lawlessness will increase so much the love of many will grow cold. It seems the gap between the Christian and the non-Christian worldview is widening. The…
Genesis 15.6 records the Lord considered his response of faith worthy of a reward. The Bible teaches that without faith it is impossible to please God. Most Christians would agree…
Matthew 10.38 claims whoever does not take up his cross and follow Me is not worthy of Me. The problem with the current marketing of Christianity is that it misleads…
Matthew 11.24 promises it will be more bearable for the region of Sodom on the Day of Judgment than the people to whom Jesus was speaking. The destruction of Sodom…
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