Serving God
Colossians 3.24 commands us to serve the Lord Christ. Among a list of things Christians are to do Paul summarizes them with his command to serve Jesus. This is a…
Colossians 3.24 commands us to serve the Lord Christ. Among a list of things Christians are to do Paul summarizes them with his command to serve Jesus. This is a…
Philippians 3.8 observes all things as liabilities compared to the far greater value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. What do we consider assets? I supposed context determines that answer.…
John 17.4 declares I glorified You on earth by completing the work You gave me to do. Men glorify themselves through their work. Sin takes away from our true nature…
John 15.2 promises God takes away every branch that does not bear fruit in Me. The Protestant proclamation of salvation by grace alone and not by works, while true, has…
John 8.31 promises if you continue to follow My teaching you are really My disciples. Many think being a Christian is a one-time event with a weekly meeting thrown-in for…
Galatians 1.10 observes if I were still trying to please people, I would not be a slave of Christ. As Jesus taught, people cannot love money and love God, so…
Job 40.18 asks would you declare God guilty so that you might be right? Life is hard, sometimes unfair and solving its difficulties requires more power and ability than any…
Exodus 19.6 promises you will by My kingdom of priests. When God established His people Israel He gave them His vision for what He was hoping to accomplish through them…
Luke 21.36 commands we pray to have strength to stand before the Son of Man. As the Lord Jesus, God living with us, winds down His time on earth He…
Exodus 16.4 describes the people will go out and gather a certain amount each day. When you pray, Jesus taught; ask this day for your daily bread. God supplied bread…
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