If God Is Real Then Shouldn’t We Listen To Him?

Revelation 22.19 records, if anyone takes away from the words of this book of prophecy, God will take away his share in the tree of life and in the holy city that are described in this book.

If there really is a God doesn’t it make sense that He gets to make the rules for how we should live? This is important if our concept of God includes a day of accountability before this God. This accountability would seem to be a review of our life’s deeds compared to the rules or commands this God made for people to follow. (more…)


God’s Marketing Department

Deuteronomy 18.18 promises, I will put my words in his mouth and he will speak to them whatever I command.

This promise has already been literally fulfilled. It is one of more than 300 promises Jesus fulfilled making Him the unequivocal option for Messiah the Jews have always longed for. However, what this promise communicates and what Jesus communicated, is that God is committed to using people for marketing His Personal reality and His ultimate destiny for humanity. (more…)


Jesus is God

John 14.9 records, the person who has seen Me has seen the Father! How can you say, ‘Show us the Father’?

Jesus is the only ‘prophet’ Who claimed to be God. It was this claim that made Him so hard to believe in by those who lived with Him during His three years of ministry. All of us would no doubt similarly struggle were a friend we had known for 30 years suddenly leave his skilled trade to enter ministry claiming to be God. It really wasn’t until His resurrection from the dead that the disciples finally ‘believed.’ (more…)


Is God Negative?

John 7.7 observes, the world cannot hate you, but it hates Me, because I am testifying about it that its deeds are evil. No one likes a negative person.

Who is the negative person? The person who tells us we are wrong or the things we like are wrong. Modern parenting and education has and is going to great extremes to remove all negativity from the ears of the next generation. Most recently universities have begun creating ‘safe places’ where students can retreat from any discussion that conflicts with their point of view. Jesus, God Who lived on earth, claims to be a negative person. (more…)


Making America Great Again

Numbers 24.13 records the prophet saying, If Balak would give me his palace full of silver and gold, I cannot go beyond the commandment of the LORD to do either good or evil of my own will, but whatever the LORD tells me I must speak’?

While the prophet in this story turns bad his attitude at this point in the story is one current Christians desperately need. Culture is a reflection of the attitudes and desires of the people. Culture reflects the thinking, the doing and the wanting of the people within its boundaries. What kind of people is our current culture reflecting? (more…)


2017 National Day of Prayer

Isaiah 1.15 observes, when you spread out your hands in prayer, I look the other way; when you offer your many prayers, I do not listen, because your hands are covered with blood.

Today is the National Day of Prayer. Historically, it is the time when we as a nation turn to God to repent from our sins against Him and to seek His help for our many struggles. President Washington instituted such a day both to beg God’s help for our nation and to thank Him for the help He had already given.

It was president Truman however who signed the bill into law that officially gave us this day of remembrance. Again, it was both a somber day remembering the world and its rebellion against God as evidenced by its most recent world war and a celebration that God had delivered us, this nation, from our enemies. (more…)


The Importance of Obedience

Leviticus 22.31-32 demands, you must be sure to do My commandments. I am the LORD. You must not profane my holy name, and I will be sanctified in the midst of the Israelites. I am the LORD who sanctifies you.

Sanctification is a twenty-five cent word that means to make holy. It means to make us like God. It means to restore us to our true nature, the original intent of the Master Who made us.

The Bible’s story of humanity begins with male and female being made in the image of God. This is why humans are of more value than the animals. This is why murder, including abortion, is so wrong; an image bearer of God is being forcibly removed from this earth. It is why we are commanded to love one another as God has loved us. (more…)


Faith and Belief are NOT Synonymous

Mark 11.22 reports, Jesus said to them, have faith in God.

Belief and faith are not synonymous. Regrettably these words have been used interchangeably within the Church to the detriment of the Church.

Belief is a thought that may or may not bring us to action. Sort of like most of us believe we should get more exercise and diet better but we don’t…Belief’s may or may not be true. We ‘believe’ they are true but we don’t always confirm those beliefs, and even if they are not really true, they are oftentimes true to us. Like when we believe our alma mater is the best. It may or may not technically be the best at anything and who defines best? (more…)


Christianity is the World’s Only Hope

Galatians 3.28 proclaims, there is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female – for all of you are one in Christ Jesus.

Christianity is the ONLY world religion to record in its sacred writings that all people are equal in value before the One True God. Hinduism separates humanity by caste because of the teachings of their gods. Islam separates people by gender and religion giving permission to its adherents to mistreat either according to the writings of their prophet.

Only Christianity proclaims God made all people from one man and one woman and that this same God suffered the punishment all people deserve in order to reconcile all people, male and female, black and white, Jew and Gentile to Himself through Jesus the Savior. (more…)


What Concerns God Should Concern Us

Luke 16.15 warns, Jesus said to them, you are the ones who justify yourselves in men’s eyes, but God knows your hearts. For what is highly prized among men is utterly detestable in God’s sight.

This statement by God, warning us that what we value He despises, should terrorize us. Now certainly this cant be true in everything. (more…)