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The Culture Reflects The Obedience Of The Church

“These are the things you must do: Speak truth to one another; make true and sound decisions within your city gates. Do not plot evil in your hearts against your neighbor, and do not love perjury, for I hate all this” — this is the Lord’s declaration.” Zechariah 8:16-17 CSB


The prophets in the Old Testament constantly rebuked the followers of Jehovah for their disobedience to God’s commands. This is the work of the Church today, for God’s word is our authority, His gift, for knowing Him so that we can obey Him so that when we see Him for judgment, we are welcomed by Him into His eternal dwelling place. What has God commanded His people to do? Be honest, do what is best for everyone, and love others as we love ourselves, not speaking or doing anything unjust to our neighbor. These commands are reasonable, sensical, and best for a society to function in the most joy, freedom, and health. Yet our business, education, and government leaders have not acted this way, many of whom claim to be Christians. Greed consumes our leaders. Ungodly ideology is promoted to the destruction of our physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. We kill the unborn and maim our children. The people of God must saturate themselves with the word of God so that we all have the mind of God to combat these ways and ideas that keep people from obeying everything Jesus commands. Every Christian is to be a priest of God in society by bringing the word of God and the ways of God to everyone until everyone obeys God. Our leaders at Church are to equip us and encourage us in this public work when we meet privately to praise our God with our brothers and sisters in Christ. The children of God are the leaven of God for influencing the whole dough of culture. Our culture reflects our obedience to our mission, the Great Commission, entrusted to us by our Lord and King, Jesus. We need a revival among the Church to embrace our mission and fulfill our purpose in our country and world.

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