The End Is Near When Christians Engage God’s Work

“and because lawlessness will increase so much, the love of many will grow cold. But the person who endures to the end will be saved. And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached throughout the whole inhabited earth as a testimony to all the nations, and then the end will come.” Matthew 24:12-14 NET


Many Christians hope for and believe the end of days on this earth is near. They hope for the return of God in Jesus, Who will remove the wicked from the world and restore the earth to its original intent. He will live with His people on this new earth in peace and joy for all eternity. Never again will humanity experience pain, suffering, or death. God promises a beautiful future, but like childbirth will come with pain and suffering upon the world. If the end is indeed soon, how should the people of God live? Their love for God and man should increase. Is this what we see? We see the love of many growing colder. Murder, theft, and violent crime increase, creating the desire for God’s return and an end to this world. That attitude is indicative of a cold heart. God’s heart is for the reconciliation and salvation of the murderer, the thief, the criminal of whom we have been before reconciling with God in Jesus the Savior. The man who lusts is no different than the man who rapes before God, Who judges all men from His standard of perfect holiness. The Christian’s response to evil in the world must be greater love for God’s ways to be obeyed, which is the product of more people loving God in the world. We obey God because we love God. If we would see God’s ways, we would engage God’s work of seeking and saving the lost, which is the greatest display we can demonstrate for loving our neighbor as ourselves. If the end is truly near, then the people of God would truly share God’s love to greater levels so that all men might be saved and avoid the wrath to come. Is the end near? To what degree are Christians sharing the gospel?

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