In the Christian religion Jesus is identified as God and God when He lived among us as one of us, said He came to serve and not be served. God came to earth to serve: this should astound us making us fall down in wonder and praise to the only God Who is truly loving and humble.
Allah never came to earth and he certainly isn’t in the business of serving anyone. Neither have any of the Hindu gods come to earth to serve humanity. All of the gods people have created have burdened people with demands impossible to accomplish. These false gods discriminate among gender, race and class preferring the group that manufactured them above all other peoples.
The One True God created all peoples in His image and makes no distinction in value between race, gender or class. He does warn the wealthy that they will have the hardest time getting to heaven because they have a propensity to trust and desire wealth over loving Him with all their heart, soul, mind and strength.
The idea that God came to serve is unique to Christianity and demonstrates the deep love God has for humanity. God so loved He gave the ultimate sacrifice, His own life, being sacrificed by men for all the evil of all men from all time.
His resurrection from the dead proved both His deity and His sufficiency as the necessary sacrifice so that He can generously pardon everyone who comes to Him seeking reconciliation with God.
The God Who gave and the God Who serves is the God Who one day will take His rightful place as Lord of lords and King of kings requiring every knee to bow and every tongue to confess that Jesus is Lord to the glory of God the Father.
The wise person comes to The Servant now for forgiveness rather than playing the fool and waiting until He returns as Judge to sentence forever in torment those who rejected Him as Savior.