Whose responsibility is it for the moral decay of America which is the root of our sickness and wounds?
The Church is the salt and light of the world and to it has been given the healing balm and the power to release the prisoner.
The cause of our sickness and woundedness is disobedience to God evidenced by our rampant murder of the unborn, our incessant consumption of pleasure so that we give so very little and our defiance of the sacred covenant God made between a man and a woman.
We lie, steal and murder to our own destruction because we know not the ways of God having been taught He does not exist in our public education system.
Who is responsible for this spiritual apathy? The Church alone has the truth as recorded in the Bible and that truth enveloped in the Holy Spirit is the only source of life and liberty for humanity.
The Church is to go into the streets and highways proclaiming healing and deliverance from evil through Jesus Christ the Lord.
The Church is to live by example the way, the truth and the life given to us by our God Jesus the Christ.
The Church is to proclaim justice and release from the bondage of sin until all people are walking in obedience to Jesus Christ healed from their iniquity and restored from the ways of evil to do all that pleases God our Father.
If America is to be healthy then America must be holy and this is the work of the Church.