I am not a fan of any of these things Paul says he will boast of, for when he is weak then he is strong. Paul says these things because the presence of the Lord within Him becomes increasingly obvious through Him when he is weak.
We all want to be strong then do great works for the Lord. Most of us will attempt nothing for God unless we feel sufficient to accomplish it. We are great at relying upon our own abilities but poor at relying upon God’s abilities. God wants us to be weak then do great things for the Lord.
It is in weakness that we demonstrate faith. In strength we demonstrate self-sufficiency. We are not stronger than the Lord. The world does not need our strength but God Himself. Without faith it is impossible to please God. Faith is that distance between our abilities and God’s abilities.
We demonstrate our faith when we walk in that gap, the distance between our ability and obedience to God’s will, trusting that God will walk with us regardless of the results. We want positive, successful, results. God wants glory which may come from a kernel of wheat falling into the ground and dying before it bears much fruit.
The mature in Christ, and we are all to be mature, are servants of Christ. As servants, Jesus is free to do with us as He deems best – if we let Him. His goal is to use us as much as possible to accomplish His will on earth so that His glory is revealed and men are restored to Him.
His use of us properly, most productively, comes from His strength in us and not our strength for Him.