Real wisdom and real knowledge comes from knowing God and particularly God visible to us – Jesus the Lord. At least this is the perspective the Bible takes on the subject.
What is wisdom and knowledge really?
If it is history, math, science, and English then the Bible is wrong for it has nothing in it for teaching people these things though it certainly records history, defines some equations, teaches the origin of the universe and tells the love story God has for humanity. But the facts and figures we learn in school are really not wisdom or knowledge in the deepest sense for few of us adults can remember not to mention apply any of the these things we learned in school beyond reading and simple math.
So what is true wisdom and knowledge?
It is knowing how to live with God and one another.
This life has many ups and downs and often makes no sense – particularly if God is removed from the conversation as public education and government aspire to do.
However the relationships we have with people make the deepest impact upon our souls and all of us ask at some point in our lives if this is all there really is to our existence.
Upon these two monumental concerns: our relationship with God and with our fellow man the Bible has much to say and is quite literally the only source of truth on these matters. There are other so called holy books but upon review any one can easily determine their failure to be true about either God or people.
If we really want to know how to live and how to live well with other people we will make the study and application of the Bible our highest priority.