Judah was about to be destroyed by its enemies because its Protector, the Lord God Almighty, had removed His protection as a result of Judah worshipping false gods.
Just before their destruction God gives Judah one more chance to repent and turn from worshipping anything that was not the One True God. The people ignored God’s warnings and so were destroyed.
When God returned He demanded the same allegiance when He commanded that those who would be His disciples must deny themselves, take-up their cross daily and follow Him.
God is serious about His requirement to be loved, served and worshipped first and most by His people.
To one God commanded he sell all he had if he wanted to get to heaven. To others He warned they should cut-off limbs and gouge out eyes if they would enter heaven. To still others God commanded that they hate wife, children and family in order to be His disciple.
Most people who claim to be Christian consider their religion an addition to their life and not their life itself.
God is not content to be added to our lives. He must be our first love and pleasing Him must be our first priority.
Few, God said, are those who are on the road to heaven for the way is hard and difficult.
People love money, security, pleasure, power and all sorts of things more than God.
Loving anything more than God jeopardizes our eternal destiny with God. We cannot, God warned, serve Him and money.
We must not compromise devotion to God with love for the world. We must choose whom we will serve; God or ourselves.