Trials Should Make Our Faith Stronger

When Israel saw the great power which the Lord had used against the Egyptians, the people feared the Lord, and they believed in the Lord and in His servant Moses.” Exodus 14:31 NASB2020.


God is awesome and He is relentless in His will to teach us to trust Him. Israel found themselves in a great spiritual battle that revealed itself through men greatly opposed to them and feelings within them opposed to faith in God! The plagues God used to free them from Egypt initially affected both Israel and Egypt. Israel suffered in the beginning from the Egyptians too for asking to worship their God instead of working as slaves. When the battle began, suffering occurred in both camps. As the plagues progressed God made a distinction between His people and the Egyptians. No doubt this pleased Israel for their lives became better, they were blessed, and the Egyptians knew it. Life is always good when we see God on our ‘side.’ The climax to the battle occurs after their escape from Egypt. The mightiest army on earth chases them to the Red Sea where God miraculously parts the water for Israel then uses those same parted waters to collapse upon and terminate the Egyptians. God wins, Israel wins, and the people rejoice. When Israel saw the army of Egypt at first, they feared, they complained, they nearly rebelled, when they saw the army defeated, they worshipped, and they rejoiced. Circumstances determined Israel’s response to God and their attitude toward God’s leader. This should not be. God wants us to have faith in Him, to trust Him. This faith will be developed through trials, like resistance training makes stronger muscles. Amid the weight of our circumstances, we need to trust God, to have faith in God, to rejoice in Him, to obey Him, believing that He is working all things out for our good and His glory. Nothing is too hard for God; nothing is impossible for Him to overcome. God wants us to have faith, without which it is impossible to please Him, and this faith is developed by watching Him work through us and around us and in us while the world and its troubles are in our midst.

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