Most Christians know they are to trust God completely and depend upon Him entirely but woe to him whose circumstances dictate they do so.
David gladly entered this situation though he was encouraged repeatedly by those who cared for him to make his own solutions to his problems.
To see the Lord pull a man out of the fire necessitates that man to be surrounded by fire with no apparent route for escape. Few if any of us desire such circumstances yet David lived in such for several years before entering his rest as king of Israel.
A current fire is the Tim Tebow situation. Tim has always wanted to play NFL football and glorify God. The pagan media has all but ended his career. Tim has sought to remain faithful to the Lord. Will he every play in the NFL again?
Most of us would want the fame and fortune that comes from being an NFL superstar but few of us would want to be so publicly maligned, ridiculed and scorned as Tim Tebow. What will God do with Tim?
Many of us enter circumstances that are hard – life is hard.
Our choices are to make a way out or pray our way out. Sometimes we don’t get out regardless of our efforts or prayers (think of the martyrs).
In the end we all do get out for we shall all see Jesus when He will reward us for our faith and trust in Him.
Regardless of the results of our circumstances, those who truly trusted Him, obeyed Him and remained faithful to Him particularly in the tough times will enter His good rest and know His pleasure and blessing forever. Those who refuse to trust God will be condemned by God and enter the worst of all imaginable circumstances.
God loves us and watches over us for good, do we really believe that and live that way?