So what does it mean to walk humbly before God?
First it means Surrendering to the person of Jesus Christ. Every person serves a god even if that god is ourselves; the question is what god are we serving? There is only one God and He revealed Himself to us in Jesus.
The first step to walking humbly with God is acknowledging Who He is and following Him.
This leads into the second definition: Submission. After acknowledging God we must obey God if we are to live humbly before Him.
The very word ‘God,’ elicits by definition an allegiance to Him practically manifest through obedience.
The Bible is the Word of God recorded so that we might know Him and obey Him. To be submitted to God is to make daily pursuit and obedience to His Word our utmost priority.
Finally the third means for walking humbly before God is Service to God. Upon reading about Who He is and what He requires of us we then do it which ultimately leads to His will being done on earth as it is in heaven.
Generally the will of God is for all people everywhere to know Him, to love Him and to be like Him.
Those who walk humbly before God will engage this work of God making Jesus known and helping people become more like Jesus.
Submission, Surrender and Service the practical way we honor God by walking humbly before Him.