God has given us everything we need to live happy lives that please Him. We have been given the Holy Spirit to empower us to do the good we want to do. Our guilt and shame from sin has been removed by faith in the work of Jesus at Calvary, Whose crucifixion satisfied the just requirements for sin’s disobedience, thus removing our guilt and shame. Now we can live happy lives, lives free from guilt and shame, because we have been completely, eternally forgiven.
And not just forgiven, but empowered to do the good we want to do. To love people the way we always have wanted to love people, to live for the pleasure of God rather than our own as we have always wanted. We live for God’s purposes and pleasure more and more as we read the Scriptures more and more.
These Scriptures, given to us by God for our knowledge of Him, are used by God to reveal Himself and His will for our lives. As we increasingly know Him by increasingly believing Him from our increasing study of Him in the Scriptures, we become increasingly like Him. It is the time in the Scriptures combined with the doing of what those Scriptures say, by the power and with the presence of the Holy Spirit inside of us, that we manifest more and more the image of God Who created us and Who purchased us back to Himself in Jesus the Savior of the world.
We become just like God when we know His Word and do His will even as He spoke His word and fulfilled His will when He lived among us as one of us in Jesus the Lord. The Word of God, believed by the people of God, leads to doing the will of God, empowered by the Spirit of God, all for the glory of God, ending in our return to God, where we receive His good pleasure as His beloved children.