What ‘Food’ Are You Working For?

John 6.27 commands, do not work for food that spoils, but for food that endures to eternal life, which the Son of Man will give you. For on Him God the Father has placed His seal of approval.

Too many men who claim to be Christians are working for food that spoils. Not enough men who claim to be Christians are working for food that endures to eternal life.

Jesus is the food that leads to eternal life. His body and His blood must be consumed by a man, for a man, to receive eternal life. It is through the crucifixion that men’s sins are paid for and it is through the resurrection that men’s assurance of God’s pardon is granted. Therefore the eternal work is the eternal pursuit of Jesus Christ, His life, death and resurrection.


This pursuit begins with repentance, then obedience, to everything He has commanded. We recognize our need for a Savior then we follow the Savior by doing the works He did when He lived among us as one of us. What were His works?


He pursued God diligently, passionately and consistently, daily, through Scripture and prayer. The man of God spends time with God in the Scriptures hearing God and in prayer speaking to God his commitment to obey what He has heard. Scripture in and prayer out are the cycle of being with God so that we can do the will of God showing ourselves to be the people of God. Spending time with God leads to doing the works of God. What was the work of God in Jesus?


The seeking and saving of the lost. Jesus came out of His huddle with the Father to meet with men and lead them to eternal life. The work of God is to believe in the Son. Men believe when they hear the gospel and they hear the gospel from men who believe.


This is to be the normal Christian life: spending time with God through the Scriptures and in prayer then spending time with men sharing the Scriptures and continuing to pray for their acceptance and obedience of the gospel until His kingdom has come and His will is being done on earth as it is in heaven.

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