The Apostle John commanded that those who claim to be Christians must live as Jesus did.
A few years ago it was popular to ask, ‘what would Jesus do?’ We even went so far as to wear bracelets with WWJD upon them for reminding ourselves of the question. What was the result of such a program? Large sales of bracelets!
What did Jesus do and how do we know if we are living like Him?
First Jesus said He only did what His Father commanded. The most basic Jesus similarity is obedience to God. If we are like Jesus we will wholeheartedly obey God without compromise.
Second, Jesus spent time with God in prayer for fellowship and direction. If we are to live like Jesus we must know Jesus and this will take spending concentrated time in Bible reading and prayer on a daily basis for knowing then applying what God would have us do for the day.
Third, Jesus lived as a servant placing the needs of humanity above His own. If we are to look like Jesus we will serve people daily, looking for all means possible to help people experience the love of God.
Finally, Jesus came to reconcile the world to God through Himself. If we are like Jesus then we will proclaim Jesus to everyone seeking to draw everyone to God.
What would Jesus do? He would live a life pleasing to God while working to reconcile people to God.
How much do our lives resemble His?