Described in this verse are men who did good work for society while keeping the work of God first priority.Until men in the Church embrace a similar understanding of their responsibility the culture will continue to move further from the ways of God.
A serious misunderstanding has occurred within the Church that vocational Christian workers are in ministry while those whose vocation is outside the Church are in ministry support. This lie from hell has had the effect of neutering the impact of the Church upon the world.
Those in vocational Christian ministry are called to serve as coaches for helping those in secular vocations to effectively serve God for building His kingdom on earth as it is in heaven.
The vocational Christian worker has disengaged from most of his relationships with people who do not know God thus becoming increasingly ineffective at influencing these same people toward God. Whereas those in secular vocations daily engage people who deny the existence of God and are thus His target audience for the gospel of Jesus Christ and who will be most easily won over by those Christians among them in secular vocations.
Christian people in secular work must understand they are first to engage God’s work by performing their secular work with excellence, modeling the character of Jesus then finally verbalizing God’s work in Christ to the uninformed.
Those in vocational Christian work are to encourage, equip and support those in secular work for they are the Christians who are truly in full-time ministry!