However two questions are necessary for us to answer if we will be successful in obeying God.
First we must know what is evil and what is right. Most of us define these things through our experience and what we learn from our environment.
God defines right and wrong by His character and His will.
Therefore God has given people His written will and history of His ways so that we can know Who He is and what He commands. This means we are without excuse when that day arrives when He calls us to account for how well we obeyed His commands.
When we ignore the Scriptures we become confused about what is right and wrong which explains why so many so called Christians support abortion, homosexual behavior and divorce. If we would correctly obey God we must diligently seek God to know what He requires and this will mean daily studying the Scriptures.
The second question we must answer for ourselves is why should we obey God?
This answer has two parts. First God has recorded that He will judge all people for every deed, every word and every thought we committed in this life.
Abject failure to obey God will result in condemnation from God which is eternal punishment where people are forever tormented in hell.
Second those who obey God will be rewarded by God.
God is not a communist, people will live differently in heaven for He has recorded that people will receive different rewards based upon their faithfulness to Him.
While this is all true, the greatest reason to obey God is because we love God and He is so wonderful that doing anything else doesn’t make sense.