How do the wicked increase?
They increase when the Church fails to disciple its followers who are responsible for winning the world to God’s point-of-view.
We see the truth of this proverb today as the Church has struggled these past fifty years to teach its people to obey all of the commands the Lord Jesus has made known to us.
Instead the church has compromised the truth seeking acceptance by men rather than approval by God.
This has manifested in debates over the truth of creation by denying God’s literal account in Genesis for a more compromising view found in evolution.
It is reflected in the debate over homosexuality with many ignoring the clear teachings of God recorded in the Scripture while instead embracing ‘diversity’ in order to appease the world.
It is evident from parents who refuse to discipline their children by spanking listening instead to the world’s godless logic that this is wrong so that we have raised consecutive generations of increasingly more selfish and self-centered children.
The list goes on but the result is America is not more godly but less righteous as the Church has ignored and compromised the Scriptures more and more in order to become more palatable to the secular world.
But compromise never wins the hearts and minds of the world instead it furthers their animosity toward the things of God so that practically we cannot discuss God at school nor remember Him at Christmas in the public square.
The solution is for the Church to repent then return to the Word of God for instruction, the Spirit of God for strength and the glory of God for our life purpose and ambition.