Working for our salvation and working out our salvation are totally different but look entirely the same.
Every religion or philosophy except Christianity is an attempt to be good enough to get to heaven or the eternal state of bliss that particular religion proclaims. Christianity proclaims the work of salvation complete through the life, sacrifice and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Christianity is called Good News because it offers the way to God without requiring works from us to get there. God offers freely a pardon for living eternally with Him and all those who love Him if we but ask for it.
Herein lies the issue.
In asking, God expects us to mean it and in meaning it we demonstrate our true desire through living in obedience to His commands. This is why working out our salvation looks just like working for our salvation.
People of other religions try to obey their god in order to get to their version of heaven. Christians obey God to prove their love for God and to help others see the wisdom of God which is manifested in His commands.
As they say on TV, ‘but that’s not all.’
God rewards His people for their obedience. Not just the gift of eternal life in heaven but He stores up treasure in heaven on their behalf for the kingdom work they do for Him on earth.
What will we need treasure in heaven for? I have no idea but the Bible clearly portrays a system of rewards among the children of God based upon their works.
Every person is weighed and measured by God.
Those who ignore Jesus will be found wanting and will be condemned to their wish of eternity without God which will be filled with suffering and torment.
Those who love Jesus will be rewarded and celebrated for their efforts made to advance His causes on earth when they get to heaven.