The Christian religion is the story of God entering the world as a man beginning His life like any person, as a baby, then giving Himself as the perfect sacrifice, being punished for the disobedience of all humanity for all time so that God the Father could pardon all the evil of all people who come to Him for forgiveness in humility and repentance.
This story of God’s work and love for the world, God has commanded to be told by those who have believed it, accepted it, and live it.
God has not given this message to supernatural beings that might make some grand entrance into the homes of humanity. God has entrusted His story to people just as He came as a person to live the story.
It is amazing and awesome to think that God invites His people to participate with Him in His work of telling His story so that the entire world might believe and be restored to God through Jesus the Savior.
What a privilege the people of God have been given and what a responsibility to faithfully fulfill for it is no small thing to convince people that there is a God and that He loves them and will one day measure them by His standards revealed through the Scriptures and through His Son the Living Word of God.
Much of the world is still unconvinced that God exists in Jesus Christ or that they must be reconciled with Him through Jesus the Savior.
The people of God must embrace their noble work if they are to fulfill His purpose for them and for His work at Calvary to fully accomplish its purpose.
The harvest is plentiful but the workers remain few. Who will embrace God’s command to make disciples?