Recognition is a powerful motivator toward action.
There are also times when it is an equal motivator toward inaction when we don’t want people to take notice of us. Most likely when we all stand before God we will desperately desire for Him to recognize us as His own.
God tells us that if we want to know for sure He will acknowledge us as His own upon arrival into His kingdom then we must acknowledge Him before people on earth.
While God makes this promise He is doing it in the context of encouraging us not to fear people who will hate us and possibly kill us for acknowledging God and His ways before them.
Therefore this acknowledgement God requires is not by our presence in church but by our best effort in the world to make known Jesus as Savior and Lord.
The mission of God is the reconciliation of the world to Himself through Jesus Christ and its fulfillment is dependent in part upon followers of Jesus faithfully working at engaging people toward God’s salvation through Jesus the Christ.
While some may be called to preach and others to missions all are called to tell their family, friends and neighbors that God has come to our world to save us and that He requires us to repent and to do deeds in keeping with our repentance.
Too much of the world is ignorant of Jesus and His commands. This is the direct result of God’s people not acknowledging Him in their word and deeds as they live among the pagans in the world.
If we want God to acknowledge us in heaven we must acknowledge Him on earth.