Blessed Are Those Who Boldly Identify With Jesus.

““So now, what do I have here,” declares Yahweh, “since My people have been taken away for nothing?” Yahweh declares, “Those who rule over them howl, and My name is continually blasphemed all day long. “Therefore My people shall know My name; therefore in that day I am the one who is speaking, ‘Here I am.’” How lovely on the mountains Are the feet of him who proclaims good news, Who announces peace And proclaims good news of good things, Who announces salvation, And says to Zion, “Your God reigns!”” (Isaiah 52:5–7 LSB)


One thing that makes the Lord God Almighty angry is the ignorance of Him among the people of the world. As the Creator of all, the Sustainer of everything that breathes and even that which does not, He deserves and even demands, that He be praised, worshipped, and acknowledged as King and Lord over all among all that He has created. The means for making Him known in the world are the people who belong to Him already, the recipients of a previous generation faithful to deliver the Good News of God’s love proven in Jesus the Savior of the world. This Jesus, God in flesh, is be pronounced by our lives and announced through our lives to the world, from the mountaintops. God’s people are to identify with God Himself clearly and visibly, publicly, and profoundly, so that all people everywhere will know of and obey the One True God. Certainly, the evil men in the world will resist this Good News, those who wish to bow their knee to no one but seek their own pleasures and power. These people attack the people of God intimidating them, hoping to keep them from faithfulness to their mission, their purpose, the work God has assigned them to do by leaving them upon earth instead of immediately taking them to heaven. Blessed is the man who does not fear men nor worry about the consequences of men for standing boldly on the mountain tops proclaiming Jesus as Savior and Lord, this man’s reward will be great on that day he is brought before His Lord Who purchased him by His blood.


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