Two Good Works Christians Must Do Now! “Let us not get tired of doing good, for we will reap at the proper time if we don’t give up. Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us work… “Let us not get tired of doing good, for we will reap at the proper time if we don’t give up. Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us work…
"Hear the word of the Lord, people of Israel, for the Lord has a case against the inhabitants of the land: There is no truth, no faithful love, and no… "For through the law I died to the law, so that I might live for God. I have been crucified with Christ, and I no longer live, but Christ… For although we live in the flesh, we do not wage war according to the flesh, since the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh, but are… “With flattery he will corrupt those who act wickedly toward the covenant, but the people who know their God will be strong and take action. Those who have insight… May the Lord our God be with us as he was with our ancestors. May he not abandon us or leave us so that he causes us to be… “In those days I, Daniel, was mourning for three full weeks. I didn’t eat any rich food, no meat or wine entered my mouth, and I didn’t put any… “So I turned my attention to the Lord God to seek him by prayer and petitions, with fasting, sackcloth, and ashes…..we have sinned, done wrong, acted wickedly, rebelled, and… "But thanks be to God, who always leads us in Christ's triumphal procession and through us spreads the aroma of the knowledge of him in every place. For to… "Then King Darius wrote to those of every people, nation, and language who live on the whole earth: "May your prosperity abound. I issue a decree that in all…
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