1. Focus on Giving
Christmas is the recognition of God so loving the world that He gave us His Son. The need for the world to be saved and the love God has for His world caused Him to bankrupt heaven in order to give His most precious and priceless possession – the blood of His Son for the pardon of all. Practically we can help our children by challenging them to consider what they will be giving to their loved ones rather than what they want from their loved ones. We need to keep asking what we are giving rather than thinking through the filter of what I am getting.
2. Focus on Spending
Stress increases this time of year because of the financial pressure associated with the wants of our loved ones against the expenses we already possess that leave us very little extra margin. The traditional solution is to go in debt to buy these things our children really don’t need but desperately want. The Bible clearly warns against debt reminding us that the debtor is a servant to the lender. Practically we can obey Scripture and alleviate this stress by only spending what reserve we do have and setting aside money in the future for this annual expense. Choose to downsize the spending so that we begin practicing the discipline of living within our means and experiencing the freedom from bondage debt produces.
3. Focus on Jesus
After bagging my recent purchase the clerk wished me ‘happy holidays.’ I replied, ‘Merry Christmas’ smiling as I took my purchase and left. Christ is the reason for the season and we need to keep mentioning His Name lest it become lost in the plethora of new developments for explaining this season of spending and receiving. Practically we can most facilitate this effort by reading numerous Christmas stories to our children that include Jesus and His appearing as the central focus. There are many resources written for a wide variety of ages to help this objective, we would do well to take the month of December for family reflection on the God Who loves us by giving all He had to restore us to Himself in Jesus Christ the Lord.
Christmas is meant to be a celebration of the Christ. If we are going to be successful at this endeavor we need a plan then a commitment to executing that plan.
I hope this is your best Christmas ever because you have focused more on Jesus than ever before.