Doing God’s work requires being like Jesus

“For we do not preach ourselves, but Christ Jesus as Lord, and ourselves as your bond-servants on account of Jesus………always carrying around in the body the dying of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may also be revealed in our body.” 2 Corinthians 4:5, 10 NASB2020


The evil one blinds men from understanding and thus receiving the truth from God commonly known as the gospel. This message from God; His creation of us and deep love for us not understood by us because of our rebellion against Him that must be reconciled, and He has made possible reconciliation through the life, death and resurrection of Jesus, this gospel, has been entrusted to His people for delivering to all people so that all people can be reconciled to God. The means of delivering this gospel effectively, which we sorely lack today, that is effective delivery, is for those with the gospel to serve wholeheartedly those without the gospel. We cannot fight men but must love men unto reconciliation with God. All these divisive issues must be pushed aside so that the gospel can be presented, blindness to truth can be healed, imprisonment to death can be broken, and ignorance of God can be replaced by faith in Jesus as Savior. How can the Christian become a slave to men? By living as Jesus did, dead to self and alive to the will of God which is the work of God of seeking and saving the lost to restore them to the Father thus building God’s kingdom upon earth as it is in heaven. Death to self is the means of serving people unconditionally. Death to self is the means to loving God unequivocally so that we do everything possible to see Him known and obeyed by all men everywhere even as we ourselves know Him and obey Him everywhere. Living like Jesus means loving like Jesus by serving like Jesus so that all men come to know and love Jesus. This is God’s will for God’s people in Christ Jesus the Lord.




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