Are we not seeing the failure of God’s people to be His witnesses at proclaiming the only One Savior, Jesus the Lord over all? Have we not compromised these many years with the pagan culture not to offend it with our narrow road, one way to heaven, messaging? And what has been the result? The culture is in more chaos, our children seek God less than any previous American generation and the culture still despises the Church. The Church has believed the culture and its god of science that has ‘proven’ much of the Bible to be in error.
Evolution has proven Genesis wrong, human evolution has shown we are born multi-sexual so God’s teachings on monogamous marriage between one man and one woman is wrong. The evolution of religion has ‘proven’ that all roads lead to the same destiny ‘proving’ the narrowness of the Bible wrong.
All of these ‘proofs’ are lies promoted by a culture, taught in all of our public schools, the premise of which is the belief that there is no God and therefore they offer evidence to ‘prove’ their point causing so many, too many, even among Christians, to conform to their thinking. The result among is Christians is that they have become unwilling and therefore unproductive witnesses of Him Who is God and Who is alone the Savior of the world.
The Church must repent from it’s false thinking, it must repent from its false hope of being accepted by the world, and it must embrace it’s role to serve humanity by constantly living and teaching what is true. Truth is found in Scripture, revealed in the person of Jesus and entrusted to God’s people for making known in God’s world until everyone in the world knows the One True God and obeys His commands.
Until this is the fervent goal of the Church and thus the Christian, our world will continue to erode and implode because only the Church holds the leaven capable of influencing the whole loaf for true good.