God is on mission to conform us into the image of His First Born Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. God seeks to develop a family identity that exhibits a commonality in character and a singleness of focus while allowing individuality in function.
God is not interested in us becoming all that we can be despite what the guy on TV says. God has recorded in His book that He desires us to become all that He created us for, all that He wants for doing His will and glorifying His Name on the earth.
God had in mind a host of works, a particular function for which each of us was uniquely designed to accomplish as part of the greater orchestra of His Church in order to manifest more clearly across the world the wonder and glory of our Father Who is the Creator and Sustainer of all life from all time everywhere.
Our goal should not be to become what we want to be but to become what He wants us to be. When we want to fulfill our destiny we are god but when we wish to fulfill His destiny for our lives we live as though God is God.
To become the people God wants us to be we must first humble ourselves before God. In humility we kneel before God and declare before ourselves, angels and demons, not my will but Your will be done O’ God.
We learn this will through the saturation of our minds and hearts with the reading and studying of the Bible. The Spirit of God then takes the Word of God and morphs it into a powerful force of change within us so that we become increasingly like Jesus in our words, deeds and thoughts.
The Word of God is the raw material God uses for changing us as He mixes it with His powerful Spirit Who is the catalyst of change within the child of God.
It is impossible to become like God without absorbing great quantities from the Word of God. Reading the Bible is but one way to absorb God’s Word. Others include study, listening, meditating and memorizing so that the Spirit of God has multiple resources for deepening our transformation.
What is our desire? Is it to please ourselves or is to please God?
If it is to please God then we must humble ourselves to the will of God which is our transformation into the image of God Who is Jesus the Savior of the world.