Knowing God is not easy though He has made knowing Him as easy as possible for us.
God has given us brains to think beyond the instinctive level, we are different from all other created beings on this earth in this way, written documentation of His character, will and ways and His Holy Spirit for guidance and understanding so that we can know with certainty Who God is and what God requires.
Yet most people remain relatively ignorant of God and His ways.
There’s the god of the news recently who seems to take a sick delight in beheading infidels, maybe that is god? There is the god who exists in everything and in everyone so that a nation starves rather than eat the meat that walks its streets, maybe that is god?
There is also the God Who lived among us as one of us so that we could both see how to live and learn how to live in order to please God and live a meaningful life.
What is required for knowing this God?
The person who really loves God will pursue the God Who is love first by spending time with Him through the book He gave to us for knowing Him. The Bible is the history of God at work in the world and the desire He has for His world. Anyone who spends regular time in the Bible reading, studying and meditating humbly on its words will soon find themselves amazed and enamored with the God it portrays.
Second, God has given us each other for knowing Him better. There are a tremendous number of gifted individuals who really understand God and His ways and are able to make these things clear to us. Spending time with these people whether in their writings or in their presence is immensely helpful for growing in our understanding of God.
Finally those who would love God and know Him should pray to Him for knowing God and being supplied by Him with His Holy Spirit Who is God the Counselor for knowing and doing His will.
If we are not spending time with God through the Bible, with God through His people and with God through His Spirit in prayer can we really say we love God and know Him?