Paul was encouraged by Philemon who gave himself to sharing with others the gospel of Jesus Christ and the benefits from knowing Him as Savior.
Philemon was a business man but he was first a Christian who understood his first order of business was the knowing of God and the making of God known. In this way his employees came to know the gospel as did those who living in his community making Philemon an asset to Christ the King, a faithful worker in His harvest and a valued co-laborer among those engaged in the same endeavor.
What kind of things was Philemon sharing that are in us through Jesus Christ?
First is the very life of Christ Who now resides in our bodies by the Holy Spirit Who is God in us. God is not far off in the clouds but near us even in us as we invite Him to live through us as our Savior and Lord.
This life is a mystery for we too remain alive but surrendered to the will and work of God revealed by Christ Jesus the Lord and empowered by God the Holy Spirit.
This work is primarily the spreading of the knowledge of Jesus Christ so that everyone can know Him and receive eternal life.
In addition, Christ in us is the righteousness of God appropriated to us. The reason we can stand before God without stain or blemish from all our sins is because the blood Jesus shed on behalf of all humanity as the perfect sacrifice for sin has been appropriated to us making us holy and pure in God’s sight.
This righteousness of Christ in us gives us peace with God allowing the presence of God to live through us in order to win others to Him.