What is the problem in the world? The inherent sinfulness of humanity.
What is the solution for this malady? Reconciliation with God through Jesus the Savior of the world.
How can humanity become reconciled to God? They must hear the good news of God’s salvation through Jesus Christ from God’s people who have already reconciled themselves to God.
The problem with most Christians is that they tell no one of their relationship with God through Jesus Christ. In addition, most Christians fail to live such exemplary lives that the people around them are not asking them to explain the hope that is within them.
There are few Christians who are passionate for God and so have become passionate for people’s reconciliation to God.
God bankrupt heaven in order to save the earth. God seeks fellow laborers to join Him in His work of reconciling the world to Himself through Jesus the Christ.
God has chosen to make His people fellow workers with His Holy Spirit in the work of telling people about Him and bringing people to Him. This work requires God to move hearts and people to share the information about God’s historical activity through His appearing in Jesus.
Unless the people of God cooperate with the Spirit of God the work of God remains unknown and people remain ignorant of God and so continue to live in rebellion against God causing pain and suffering in their lives and in the world.
What the world needs more than anything else is for God’s people to so love God that they will give their lives to loving people into a relationship with the Father in heaven.