God commands obedience from His people. Obedience is the proof of our love for God just as a child demonstrates his love by his obedience.
Jesus modeled perfect obedience and commands those who would be His disciples to live as He lived – in perfect obedience!
While we are taught obedience to God’s commands does not earn our way into heaven we are not therefore free to disobey God.
Certainly God’s pardon for our disobedience cannot be earned through doing good works but it is to be demonstrated by those who have received His pardon through good works.
Most Christians are hard-pressed to name more than a few commands of God. This is because they see their salvation as a onetime event instead of a daily demonstration of loyalty to God.
We pray to be forgiven then wait to go to heaven is how most American Christians view their religion. This is not what God wants.
How does it make Him look before the world if heaven is obtained through prayer then ignored until we die?
God commands our obedience daily; repentance is but the first step.
God is forgiving, merciful and compassionate but He is still Lord, King and Ruler of all. Christians call God Father, and rightly so, but they are to live in obedience to their Father’s will.
We must earnestly read, learn and study the Scriptures so we can know our God and learn to live in such a way as to always please Him.