The Christmas story ends with pagan god believers giving gifts to Him Who is the One True God.
As we prepare for a new year, what gift will we who love God offer Him?
At one level, we are free from the burden of having to come up with some sort of elaborate offering to appease our God. Our God is not so vain that He requires gold, silver or any other material thing for He Himself needs nothing from anyone.
On the other hand, the One True God requires one thing from everyone who would truly call upon Him as God: our love that comes with all of our heart, soul, mind and strength.
The gift we all must give to God is our very self as He does not force such surrender upon any one of us. The gift each of us can give that is unique is the use of our time, talent and treasure for building a specific piece of the kingdom of God on earth as it is in heaven.
God demands nothing from us yet He requires absolute surrender of us if we are to be His disciples.
Freely He has given His Son as the sacrifice for the world so freely we must sacrifice ourselves to serve the Living God knowing that our future reward, home and pleasure is with Him and not here on this earth.
If pagan idol worshipers can recognize that God has come and give Him gifts how much more can we who know God give Him our very lives?
Let’s make this year our best effort ever at serving God for His glory and the advancement of His Kingdom upon the earth.