Am I now trying to gain the approval of people, or of God? Or am I trying to please people? If I were still trying to please people, I would not be a slave of Christ!” Galatians 1:10 NET
The root problem of our disobedience to God and His command to make disciples by teaching obedience to everything Jesus commanded is our greater desire to please men than to please God. We see the disapproval of humanity now. We feel the rejection. We hear the sneers. We suffer the economic loss, or so we fear, from those who reject God and His command for all people to repent and trust Jesus alone for taking them into heaven and not their own ‘good’ deeds. Those who belong to Jesus are slaves of Jesus. Jesus purchased our eternal life by publicly suffering shame before humanity when He died naked on the cross. God, in Jesus, suffered the humiliation of being rejected as God by the created to save us all from the wrath to come because of our moral depravity inherited at birth through the fall of Adam. Those who belong to Jesus must live as Jesus did. We must love God more than ourselves by taking up our cross daily, willing to suffer the public humiliation of identifying with our Savior. We are commissioned to go and make disciples of all people, beginning where we live and moving beyond our location through our gifts and prayers. We are responsible for seeking and saving the lost where we live, just as Jesus modeled for us. We must choose this day whom we will please, remembering that to be ashamed of Jesus today is for Him to be ashamed of us upon our arrival into His kingdom, but to suffer with Him today is to be honored with Him in His kingdom for all eternity.