God, when He lived among us as the man Jesus the Savior, foretold that men cannot serve God and money.
In Jesus’ teaching about how people would respond to His message of reconciliation with God He described one group as rejoicing in His message but preferring the things of the world and their pursuit over the things of God and His kingdom.
This pursuit of money keeps people busy and unproductive in God for it takes great effort and concentration of talent to be successful in the world which eliminates time and talent for building God’s Kingdom on earth as it is in heaven.
At best, these men give God their leftovers.
What is the consequence for living a life spent pursuing personal gain over gaining the world for God in Jesus Christ?
God doesn’t say other than He lists these people not among the good but as part of the majority who fail to produce for His glory. Apparently the King of the universe, Creator of all things that are, were and ever shall be is not interested in receiving a man’s leftovers.
God takes delight in those who work diligently for His glory. God has entrusted the building of His kingdom upon the earth to those who love Him as demonstrated by their obedience to His commands.
God calls His followers to deny themselves in order to follow Him. God commands He be loved more than family, self or wealth if we would love Him most as He requires.
God calls us to live as He lived in the world when He lived among us: aloof from the things men find impressive and dedicated even unto death toward the things that impress God the Father.
Good post, especially liked the last two paragraphs …