What is the evil that Jesus saves people from?
This age ignores God. This age teaches our children in its public educational institutions that there is no God.
Ignoring God and disregarding his commands is evil, for God made all of humanity to know Him, to love Him and to serve Him.
It is evil in the eyes of God to not pursue peace with God and live to do His will in the world.
When we compare ourselves with the thinking and acting of everyone else around us we deceive ourselves into thinking we are essentially good people who have no need of a rescue.
When we compare ourselves to the commands of God and the life of His Son Jesus we find ourselves in desperate need of mercy and grace.
Jesus alone can rescue us from both the penalty of our disobedience and its power to continue controlling our behavior.
Jesus alone equips His freed prisoners with everything they need to begin living lives pleasing to God just as He lived when He walked among us 2000 years ago.
Those who really love Jesus no longer have to live like those who ignore and disobey God. As we pursue Jesus He teaches us how to live so that we begin to experience freedom from the shame and guilt of disobedience to God.
We need rescued and only Jesus is able to deliver us in this age and in the age to come.