“Because of this, the Lord said, “You must repent of such words and thoughts! If you do, I will restore you to the privilege of serving me. If you say what is worthwhile instead of what is worthless, I will again allow you to be my spokesman. They must become as you have been. You must not become like them.” Jeremiah 15:19 NET https://bible.com/bible/107/jer.15.19.NET
It is indeed a privilege to serve the Lord and share Him with others, particularly when people come to know Jesus as Savior. Seeing good fruit and having success at leading people to a personal relationship with God through Jesus is the greatest joy of a Christian because it fulfills the greatest work of a Christian. Jeremiah was discouraged because his words were having no positive effect. His words were causing quarreling, arguments, and persecution. These are the consequences of sharing God’s word with people who are hard-hearted, stubborn, and rebellious against God. Saying that sharing Him with others in such an environment is worthless and wishing for God to punish the rebellious angers, God. God demands repentance from those who want to quit sharing Him with people unresponsive to His word. Every Christian has been assigned the mission of the Great Commission. Most Christians today fear men, determining they are too hard-hearted to respond to the gospel, and they wish God would return to strike down these rebels. This displeases God our Savior, Who was also maligned by men and suffered at the hands of those who rejected the word of God that came from His mouth. It is a privilege for all Christians to serve God and to share Jesus with men until all people become Christians. This work must be engaged lest the world grows increasingly dark and rebellious against God. God desires all people to be reconciled to Him, and He has appointed His people to be the messengers of reconciliation. The people of God must reengage in the work of God regardless of the response of men trusting in the end that God will bear much fruit through the Christian who remains thoroughly rooted in the life and work of Christ.