While the work of our salvation has been fully accomplished through Jesus the Savior the manifestation of that work in our lives is an ongoing process. As long as we continue to live in these bodies we received at birth we will need to work at growing in our faith and fruitfulness for Christ.
These bodies are born corrupt and are not replaced immediately upon our reconciliation with God. Rather God works within us to transform our outward behavior so that the world which is still dealing with its corruption might see the positive effect of His presence in us and so come to desire Him as well.
This is why Christians must seek spiritual growth: so that God might be more clearly seen through us in order to win more people to Him.
Spring is the time when fields are planted. Summer is the time when the product in those fields grows for a fall harvest. Many Christians take summer off in their spiritual development in order to play more outside. This is an unhealthy practice.
Like the farmer we should use this time of year to accelerate our spiritual development.
Now is when we have fewer demands so are more free to study, pray and fellowship with Christian friends. We need to see the summertime as the best time for our spiritual growth so that when fall comes we are ready to bear much fruit in effective ministry both at church and in the world.
Stay committed to growing this summer; read, study and pray then meet with those interested in doing the same so that when fall comes you are in the best possible shape for serving God!