Loving Like God Loves Us

https://youtu.be/3wyUdiYZP3g “And may the Lord direct your hearts into the love of God and into the steadfastness of Christ.” (2Th. 3:5 LSB) https://accordance.bible/link/read/LSB#2Th._3:5   O how great is our need for…


Why Is It So Hard To Get To Heaven?

https://youtu.be/-tBumcy-3_Y “And Jesus, looking around, *said to His disciples, “How hard it will be for those who are wealthy to enter the kingdom of God!” And the disciples were amazed…


The End Isn’t Coming Soon

Ezekiel 30.1-5 warns, God, the Master, spoke to me: “Son of man, preach. Give them the Message of God, the Master. Wail: “‘Doomsday!’ Time’s up! God’s big day of judgment is near. Thick clouds are rolling in. It’s doomsday for the nations. Death will rain down on Egypt. Terror will paralyze Ethiopia When they see the Egyptians killed, their wealth hauled off, their foundations demolished, And Ethiopia, Put, Lud, Arabia, Libya —all of Egypt’s old allies— killed right along with them. MSG


So many believe the end of days are near. So many hope Jesus will return soon. I suppose the latter is Biblical for Paul himself appears to have prayed the same when ending his letters ‘Maranatha.’ This ‘end times’ belief drove Paul to share Christ with the nations. (more…)


Can You Get To Heaven Without Loving God?

Mark 10.23-25 describes, looking at His disciples, Jesus said, “Do you have any idea how difficult it is for people who ‘have it all’ to enter God’s kingdom?” The disciples couldn’t believe what they were hearing, but Jesus kept on: “You can’t imagine how difficult. I’d say it’s easier for a camel to go through a needle’s eye than for the rich to get into God’s kingdom.”


Truly one of the most disturbing teachings in all of Scripture for us in 21st century America. Are we really going to be saved? Would any of us give everything we have to the poor and follow Jesus, trusting Him to supply our housing, food, and other necessities? (more…)