What is Faith?

1 Samuel 17:47 teaches that the Lord does not depend on weapons to fulfill his plans—he works without regard to human means! This verse is the antithesis to that famous…


The Purpose of Work

2 Thessalonians 3.6 commands we stay away from any Christian who spends his days in laziness. The Lord Jesus, the King of the universe, the One Who will determine the…


Being Important

Mark 10.31 promises many people who seem to be important now will be the least important then. Everyone wants to be respected, honored and esteemed. This is a natural by-product…


Esteemed by God

Matthew 20.27 commands you must serve like a slave. The greatest of all is the servant of all because God Who is the greatest of all, served all by sacrificing…


Pursuing God

Matthew 13.22 describes a man whose longing for money choked-out God’s Word and he does less and less for God. God, when He lived among us as the man Jesus…

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Significant Work

John 9.4 commands we must perform the deeds of the One who sent Me as long as it is daytime. When God created humanity the first thing God did was…