The Reason For Sunday “‘Thus says Yahweh, “Take care of yourselves, and do not carry any load on the sabbath day or bring anything in through the gates of Jerusalem. “You shall not…


The Purpose for Miracles “Then He began to reprimand the cities in which most of His miracles were done, because they did not repent.” Matthew 11:20 NASB2020 God has a purpose in doing…


Two Essentials of Worship

2 Chronicles 31.2 observes, Hezekiah organized the groups of priests and Levites for their respective  tasks, handing out job descriptions for conducting the services of worship: making the various offerings, and making sure that thanks and praise took place wherever and whenever GOD was worshiped.

Two essential elements of worship of the One true God is thanks and praise. We give God thanks for all He has done for us. We praise God for Who He is. Thanks and praise are critical elements of our worship because they take our eyes off of ourselves and place our focus where its always supposed to be: upon God. (more…)