The Christian Life Simplified and Practical

But He answered and said, “It is written, ‘Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God….’ ” ¶From that time Jesus began to preach and say, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand….” And He *said to them, “Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men.”” Matthew 4:4, 17, 19 LSB.


This chapter contains a simple summary of the practical Christian life. In all things, we are to mimic Jesus and obey His teachings. From this chapter, we discover first that the Word of God is to be more precious to us than life-sustaining food. Is that true of our lives? Do we have a ‘no bible, no breakfast’ discipline for our lives? Are we spending ample time with God through reading and studying Scripture? As we understand God and what He requires of us, we should be characterized by personal repentance and humility. God’s ways are not our ways. We need to become more like Jesus in thought, word, and deed. I can’t make it an hour without repenting of my sins. This should not burden us, but it should sober us to our need for a Savior and the complete holiness of God. Finally, our purpose on earth until the Lord returns or He takes us home is to help people come to know Jesus as Savior. Our mission is the Great Commission, and we must engage it if we would be faithful servants of God. God desires all men saved, and we are His means for accomplishing that purpose through testifying from our own lives of God’s love, wisdom, and future for all who love Him. Read the Bible, do what it says, share it with others. These things will make us holy and fruitful as children of God, causing Him to be well pleased with us upon our arrival before Him when He rewards all those who obeyed Him.

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